
Delphi is a yield farming aggregator. Delphi allows users to gain yield on synthetic savings & farm tokens from integrated protocols/pools.

What is Delphi v1?

Delphi v1 is the first version of a DeFi yield-farming aggregator tool, build on AkropolisOS. Delphi v1 contains stablecoins savings and ADEL staking pools integrated.



Savings is all about stablecoins pools. Currently, you can choose where to supply liquidity from selected and Compound pools. You can allocate in one or several pools in once click - just choose amounts & currencies, click on Allocate - your funds will be sent to the corresponding pools, earn interest & farm different tokens all at once.


Mechanics here are simple - you just send token to the chosen pool & farm additional tokens. No lock-up for the staked funds.

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