AKRO token
Token Details
Contract address - 0x8ab7404063ec4dbcfd4598215992dc3f8ec853d7
Symbol - AKRO
Decimals - 18
Total Token Supply - 15,000,000,000
AKRO Tokenomics
Tokenomics are evolving and subject to change
Token Utility
AKRO is a governance token that grants holders the right to raise and participate in decisions that affect Akropolis. This protocol-level governance is tied to managing the suite of DeFi products built on Akropolis.
AKRO token holders can vote on:
New Features & Integrations: suggesting new integrations, features, and applications to expand the reach and capabilities of the Akropolis ecosystem.
Protocol Upgrades: approving and participating in system upgrades and platform parameter adjustments due to code changes.
Financial Strategies: voting and proposing new asset management strategies and sources of liquidity for the DApp.
DevFund: determining the distribution of funds within the Akropolis ecosystem, covering areas like DAO treasury, community growth, partnerships, liquidity enhancements, and system integrations.
This governance model places AKRO holders at the heart of decision-making, guiding the platform's development and strategic direction.
AKRO stakers also receive returns from protocol revenue and additional AKRO emissions.
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