Using Akropolis
A step-by-step guide
Last updated
A step-by-step guide
Last updated
First, Connect your wallet using the button at the top right corner.
We support multiple types of wallets (the most popular choice is MetaMask). Make sure that your wallet is connected to the right network (Ethereum mainnet).
Select the vault that you would like to deposit into.
Enter the amount of tokens you want to deposit into the vault.
Make sure you have enough ETH/BNB/native network token to pay for transaction fees.
Click on 'Approve' or 'Deposit' button. Depending on previous approvals given, you might need to confirm 2 transactions (approval for spending & deposit).
Confirm the transaction in your wallet (you should see a popup). Transaction confirmation time depends on the gas fee & network congestion (usually it's as fast as 1-3 minutes).
You can speed it up by paying a higher gas fee to the network. If your transaction gets stuck, see this guide on speeding up or cancelling the transaction.
When your transaction succeeds, you will see your deposited balance in the interface.
Select the vault that you would like to withdraw from.
Enter how much you want to withdraw, or click 'Max" to withdraw the entire balance.
Click 'Withdraw'.
You will see a confirmation popup from your wallet. Click 'Confirm'.
You will receive tokens in your wallet when your transaction succeeds.
This is quite common as sending funds across chains can be a stressful experience both in terms of security and user experience.
Bridging assets cross-chain is important, however, as you cannot initiate transactions without the chain's native asset to pay for gas fees.
To transfer ETH over to Arbitrum, you can use this bridge:
Here are some guides on using Arbitrum and transferring funds from L1 (Ethereum) to L2 (Arbitrum):
Binance Smart chain uses BNB (BEP-20 format) as its native asset for transaction fees.
To transfer assets cross-chain, you can use BSC bridge:
Here are some more resources on BSC and how to use it: